Taking Advanced Placement (AP) in India
Taking AP Exams in 2025
AP Exams are administered only in May each year and require advance registration. A few secondary schools in India offer both AP courses and AP Exams, but limit testing to their enrolled students only. Authorized AP test centers are open to all students so long as they are eligible to test.
Students in India who wish to take AP Exams have the option to register at any of the authorized AP test centers located throughout India if their own school does not offer the desired AP Exam(s).
AP Benefits - Featured in Times of India
New – AP Exams Are Digital Starting 2025
28 exams will be offered digitally via College Board’s Bluebook testing app, as either fully digital or hybrid digital. Learn more here.
Get to know Bluebook: see approved devices, download, and practice before exam day. Most test centers will expect students to bring their own approved testing devices. Check with preferred test center for further instructions.
Exam Schedule
Regular testing: AP Exams will be administered in AP authorized schools and test centers over the first two full weeks in May: May 5-9 and May 12-1, 2025. Early testing or testing at times other than those published by Advanced Placement (AP) is not permitted under any circumstances.
Late testing (May 19-23) if offered by an authorized test center is available for students who cannot test during the regular testing period. Schools and authorized test centers determine which AP Exams they are able to offer. Students must check each authorized test center's AP registration page to see which exams they offer. For reference only, the full AP Exam Schedule can be viewed here (and here for late testing).
Exam Registration at Authorized Test Centers
September 16, 2024: Registrations at authorized test centers listed on this page open for May 2025 AP Exams. Check with your preferred test center so you do not miss their deadlines.
Students must complete registration and payment directly with their selected test center between September and mid-November 2024 in order to reserve an exam seat at a test center.
Some test centers may offer a second registration window (December through mid-March 2025) but with additional fees. Check with your preferred test center about late registration.
Authorized Test Centers
AP Exam registration in India is managed by authorized AP test centers. Students will follow registration and payment instructions provided by their preferred testing location. Because test centers operate independently, their exam offerings, deadlines, fees, exam cancellation and refund policies and procedures may vary.
Below is a list of cities with AP test centers with links once registration information is available. Click on each link for registration instructions.
2025 AP Exam Eligibility
- Students in any of the categories below are eligible to take AP Exams at the secondary school where they're enrolled or at other AP-authorized schools or test centers:
- Students actively enrolled in secondary school.
- Secondary school-level students who are homeschooled, participate in independent study, or attend a virtual school.
- Actively enrolled students who may be prepared to take an AP Exam prior to the ninth grade.
- Recent secondary school graduates who need a specific AP Exam for university admission.
Authorized AP test centers in India may impose additional ID policies, as follows:
- Students must bring original, valid passport for entry to the AP Exam administration.
- Or, if original, valid passport is not available, then student must have the Aadhaar in either original Letter format or the PVC version with hologram only (both received from UIDAI). No other Aadhaar versions will be accepted.
- ACCEPTED AADHAAR VERSIONS: A sample of the letter version is shown on the left; it’s the entire piece of paper and not just the card portion at the bottom. The PVC card sample is on the right.
- Please plan any ID processing and applications in advance. Only students who bring required ID on exam day may test. Students who do not bring required ID to the test site on exam day will not be permitted to test.
- ACCEPTED AADHAAR VERSIONS: A sample of the letter version is shown on the left; it’s the entire piece of paper and not just the card portion at the bottom. The PVC card sample is on the right.
AP testing policies:
- You can take any or all of the 4 physics exams in the same year.
- You cannot retake an exam in the same year, although you may retake it in a subsequent year.
- You cannot take both Calculus AB and Calculus BC in the same year.
- You can take Precalculus and (Calculus AB or Calculus BC) in the same year.
- You cannot take 2 exams scheduled at the same date and time. Decide which exam you wish to take first and then take the other exam during the next testing window.
- (If offered by a test center) Prerequisite for AP Computer Science Principles Exam: To register for this exam, you must be enrolled in the corresponding AP course at a school authorized to teach the class. Students must submit portfolio work and complete the end of course exam to receive a complete AP Exam score.
- AP Exams are administered in person at the test center.
Why should I take AP?
The Times of India profiled how students benefit from the AP Program.
How many AP Exams can I take? How many exams do students usually take?
You may take as many AP Exams as you are prepared for each year. You have the flexibility to take just one or as many AP Exams that interest you, depending upon the amount of college-level coursework you are ready to take on.
The average student takes 3 exams over their high school/secondary school career.
How do I decide which AP Exams to take?
You can decide based on your interests, your intended college major, or your intended career. Visit Choosing Your AP Courses to begin. For example, if you plan to major in chemical engineering, it may make sense to take AP Chemistry and AP Calculus.
You may also consider the AP recognition policies of any specific colleges/universities where you think you will apply. For example, if you plan to major in chemical engineering and the university you’re considering will give you credits for Calculus (equivalent of an introductory course), then you can start at a higher level or take another subject if you’ve already met the requirement for your degree. Or your university requires a number of APs just for admission. Review each university’s AP policy carefully.
How long does my AP score remain valid?
Whether you take AP in Grade 9, 10, 11, or 12, your AP score will remain valid until you start college. If your most recent AP Exam was over four years ago, your scores have been archived.To send or get a copy of archived scores, as well as for more information about sending your scores to universities, please view: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores
Do universities outside the U.S. accept AP scores?
Yes, AP credits are accepted by over 500 Universities in over 75 countries, including the U.K., Canada and Australia. Many also accept AP scores for admissions, placement, and scholarship decisions.
Can I access the free AP Daily videos as a self-study student?
Yes! You can still access resources like AP Daily videos within AP Classroom without a teacher. AP Daily videos are short, searchable videos, created by master AP teachers and cover the content and skills you’re studying in class or independently. Watch them in AP Classroom anytime, from any device with internet access.
How to watch AP Daily Videos in AP Classroom.
Do I have to take an AP course to take the corresponding AP Exam?
For most AP subjects, no. However, for the following, you must take these courses before taking the corresponding AP Exam: AP Seminar, AP Research, and AP Computer Science Principles. You will not receive a complete score if you only take the end of course exam.
For all AP subjects, we strongly recommend taking the AP course before the exam if you can because it is one of the best ways to learn the material that will be on the exam, challenge yourself with university-level studies and build skills that increase your preparedness for university study. If your school doesn’t offer a particular AP course, you may prepare for the exam on your own. To prepare for the exam without taking the course, you should study the skills and content outlined in the Course and Exam Description document for your subject, which you can find along with other resources on the specific course page.
Get to know the exams by reviewing free practice questions. The AP Program releases the free-response questions every year for exams that have them. We also offer free-response questions from past exams along with sample student responses and scoring guidelines so you can see why a real exam taker got the score they did.
Can I take both Calculus AB and Calculus BC courses in the same school year?
You can, but we don’t recommend it. AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC each correspond to year-long university courses, and you need to understand the AP Calculus AB content before you can understand AP Calculus BC content.
Note: You cannot take both the Calculus AB and Calculus BC exams in the same school year. Even if you’re taking both AP Calculus courses, you must choose only one AP Calculus Exam to take.
Can I take both AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 exams? Can I take all four physics exams?
Yes, you can take AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 Exams, as well as one or both of the AP Physics C Exams, in the same year. Learn more about these AP courses.
What if I want to take an AP Exam not offered by my test center?
Test centers might not offer certain exams because they may not have the equipment or resources necessary to administer them, such as computers or recording devices for the language exams and AP Music Theory. You can discuss with the AP coordinator at a test center or an AP school about specific exams. You can find schools that administer AP Exams. Your own school can also apply to administer AP Exams.
Can I retake an AP Exam in the same year?
No. However, you may retake an exam in a subsequent year. In such cases, both scores will be reported unless you request that one be withheld or canceled.
Can I postpone an AP Exam to the next year?
No. If you cannot take an exam scheduled for this year, you will need to cancel with your test center or not sit for the exam. You will need to reregister for the exam next year. Be sure you are aware of your test center’s cancellation and refund policies before you register.
Should I take AP Exams if I’m enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program?
Different universities have different policies about AP and IB in terms of admissions, credit, and placement out of introductory courses. AP and IB are both high-quality programs that colleges and universities consider when making admissions decisions. You can take AP courses and/or AP Exams even if you’re enrolled in IB courses.
Is there an alternative schedule for AP Exams that is not in May?
AP Exams are offered during the first two full weeks of May each year, followed by late testing (makeup exams) during the third week of May. Early testing or testing at times other than those published by the Advanced Placement® Program (AP) is not permitted under any circumstances.
My school doesn’t offer the AP course I want to take. How can I prepare for the exam?
Check out AP Daily Videos. These are short, searchable videos, created by master AP teachers and cover the content and skills you’re studying in class or independently. Watch them in AP Classroom anytime, from any device with internet access.
Consider an online AP course. You may be able to prepare for an AP Exam by taking an online AP course from an authorized AP provider. These classes are similar to the year-long AP courses offered at some schools, but they’re offered online by third-party providers. To find AP online providers, go to the AP Course Ledger and put “online” in the field for “high school name.”
Prepare via self-study.
- Get familiar with the course material and exam format by reviewing the detailed information on the AP Courses and Exams page. The “Course and Exam Description” for each subject is the core document and will list the content areas you need to know to prepare.
- Review the exam practice tips and calculator policy, if applicable.
- For the science exams, you’ll need access to a lab to prepare for the exam questions, which are based on experiences and skills that students acquire in the lab.
- For additional resources, check the College Board Store. You can also contact the United States–India Educational Foundation for guidance.
Where can I find AP textbooks?
AP courses use college-level textbooks, but there are no official AP textbooks. Go to the AP Course Audit Explore by Course to see examples of textbooks the College Board recommends to teachers. Select a course, then click “Example Textbook List.” You can also contact United States–India Educational Foundation for guidance.
Where can I check the AP credit policies of colleges?
Visit Find Universities That Recognize AP to find out how to learn which universities around the world consider AP Exam scores for admission, credit, advanced course placement, and/or scholarships.
How long do I have to study to prepare for an AP Exam?
This varies by student. Work with your teacher to develop an AP Exam practice schedule that’s best for you.
In which grade should I take AP Exams? Can I take them in grade 9?
Most students take AP courses and exams in grades 11 or 12. However, you may feel prepared to take on the challenge of AP earlier. You can take AP Exams in any grade, but most schools don’t offer AP courses to students in grade 9.
Who administers AP Exams in India?
A few secondary schools in India offer both AP courses and exams, but limit testing to their enrolled students only. Authorized AP test centers administer AP Exams and are open to all students so long as they are eligible to test. Check with your school’s AP coordinator to confirm if you can take AP Exams at your school. If your school doesn’t offer an AP Exam you want to take, check if one of the authorized test centers does.
If a test center in India doesn’t offer an exam you want to take, discuss with the AP coordinator and/or contact a school that has recently offered authorized AP courses and speak with the AP coordinator at the school.
How do I get my AP Exam scores?
Scores are available in early July. Sign in with your College Board account, which is the same as your PSAT/SAT account. The same website also has a video and other resources to help you get your scores.
AP score reporting services let you cancel exam scores, withhold scores, and send your score report to universities you indicate. AP provides one free score report to a university or institution of your choice. Additional score reports may be ordered.
Can I take the AP Exam after completing grade 12?
Recent secondary school graduates who need a specific AP Exam for university admission may register to test. See all requirements in the above Student Eligibility section on this page.
What is AP Classroom?
AP Classroom is an online resource for students enrolled in AP courses taught by authorized AP teachers. Students taking the exam only do not have access to features used by teachers but can access AP Daily Videos through AP Classroom.
How can I get answers to other questions about AP?
Visit the About AP Exams page to get answers to other frequently asked questions from students.
Can I contact someone for more information?
Yes. If you have questions about registering or paying for exams, or specific questions about exam day, contact the coordinator at your test center. If you’re having technical issues or need help logging in to your College Board account, accessing My AP/AP Classroom, or getting your AP scores, contact AP Services for Students or call +1 212-632-1780. Live Chat is also available on AP Students (the "Live Chat" button on the website will be active when customer service agents are available.)