Preparing Students to Study Abroad

Preparing your students to study abroad isn’t that different from preparing them to study in their home country: They need to plan ahead, be prepared for university-level coursework, know university application requirements, and understand how to choose a university that matches their interests and potential.

Want to Offer AP?

Keep in Mind

The SAT university admission test measures what students need to know to succeed in university.

Nearly all universities in the U.S., as well as many more around the world, consider SAT scores when evaluating students’ application for admission. Students also need to submit SAT scores to qualify for certain scholarships.

There are other tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments that can help prepare your students for university.

The SAT Suite includes the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and the PSAT 8/9. While only the SAT is a requirement for many college and universities, the other tests in the suite help prepare students to succeed on the SAT. Students can get free personalized practice recommendations with Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.

AP courses and exams challenge students with university-level coursework.

Taking AP courses is a great way for students to strengthen the skills they need to succeed in university and make a great impression on university applications. Many universities in the U.S. offer students credit or advanced course placement for qualifying scores on AP Exams.

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